HAhaha, my weekend was a blast. Too much was happening around me and now I'm really tired. On Friday, during halloween, our students n' staff hosted a halloween carnival that ended up very funny at the end of the day. There was too much action happening, eskimo dancing and lil' kids performing. The best part of that day was when couple students eskimo danced using a suite of themselves to make people laugh. I was in one of the costume and purposely made an elder woman mad, and she chased after me.lol. It was so funny, and scary at the same time because that was the first time a woman like that ran after me. The next day, we had our haunted house that was pretty cool, and I really had wonderful time. Scaring people, scaring myself, and freaking out all night. On a sunday, I was really busy, waking up from a phone call from my father at eight o'clock in the morning. I had to spill out the water from the washing machine because i was washing clothes. After, I packed water for an hour, packing thirty-nine gallons of water. Feed the dogs, clean up the whole school, played basketball for two hours, wash more clothes, played volleyball, and cleaning up the house. Busy weekend and this was a boring entry i wrote.
Akleng - I need to give you that movie. Maybe you can post it in your blog? Sounds like you've been swamped. I hope life slows down a little for you (maybe you're getting your Fast Fo wish!). : )
hahaha cool harry hahaha good old days now we gotta wait till next year u know? haha alright later harry
Awesome movie! lol.. made me laugh...
funfun!! was awesome harry...*whistles* hehe...whoot-whew...hehe...ohh shux..wut so much memories...nakleng got soo scared?? ohh darn...well have fun over christmas break harry byez:)....sexy haha
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