Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fast Forward Life

I guess I'd pick this umm, fast motion style because... umm, I don't really know.... well, i guess I chose this because I wanted life to be faster and being slow moe seems boring. Life being fast moe would be better because life with fast moe seems better. That's all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What I care about.......

Umm, there are a lot of things I care about in life, and I guess everyone around here care about themselves also. There are ten things I care about and one is my family. I care about them because I lived with them for eighteen years and they helped me grow up into a good boy. Parent's did anything for me to be comfortable in the house, and my siblings are always around to make me happy. I care about my grandparent's because whenever the river is freezing or the ice melting, I always have a roof under me to sleep at, and a place to eat at. They are very caring towards my siblings and me every day, making us happy and giving us presents during christmas. Friends. I really care about my friends also, because that's what we all need in order to stay happy comfortable around the village. Friends aren't just friends to me, they are like brothers and sisters to me because they are always there for me and keep joyful. Friends cheer you up, and they heal you from sorrow, know what I'm saying. Umm, I also care about my teachers because they are helping me with school and are willing to make us happy. Teachers are sort of like our parents because they look after us, and the cook is who I care about. Annie makes breakfast and lunch for us everyday on weekdays. She doesn't let us starve and she makes sure everyone is fed well at the school. I care about the people in our village because we try and make this village safe, and there are a lot of different games all year round. School is also a caring thing for me, because that is where I'm getting education done. Oh, yeah. Mr. W is awesome too, our principal. We are very spoiled having Mr. W as our principle because we get whatever we want from him. I mean, we are always begging for things, and he finds a way to get what we need. Just like our jerseys, and he makes sure we have everything we need. I care about my boat and snow machine because those things bring me to school everyday and I have places to travel at. Too much to care about, and I'll stop here. Last thing I care about is every thing that is around me, even life.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Volleyball Season

Volleyball season just started now, and we just had our first volleyball meet over at Akiak. Six teams from different sites were supposed to travel, but two teams didn't make it. Plus, I was on a second plane to go over to Akiak, but then it JP Air wouldn't come back to pick me up because my other teammates that were in the plane almost skidded off the runway while landing. But, then I left early in the next morning on a Saturday, which was awkward for me. I'm not used to traveling on a Saturday, because most student participants usually head out on Fridays. Anyway, our first real game was against Tuntutuliak, which we won with no effort. On our next game with Akiak, the ones that got first in our Mixed-Six Regional Tournament last year, we even won against them before we started sweating. That was a good weekend we had for my teammates and I. Plus, we didn't have a full team with us. Only six players gone to Akiak, and four of our good players weren't eligible. I hope that we have a wonderful season, and I do wish that we have full team this year.