Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Yesterday, on May 12, was a really nice evening. The sun was going down, and the sky was filled with different colors, and reflecting the tundra, houses, and steam houses with a color of bright red and orange. It was a wonderful seen, but I was with a friend, which I wished was a girl, instead of a guy. A girl would be better for an evening like that, but we were hanging out, walking home from school. There was a swan calling from nearby, and that was the only bird that was making noises, which made evening special. The sun was very bright, with and orange all around it. I wondered why the sky was mixed with many colors, though, the sun was orange. Hmm, confusing. It was very calm out, and I wanted to stay outside until the sun was all gone, but i had to go in and get some sleep. Boy, what a night it was for me, and I do really want some evenings like this every night, but with a girl instead.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Over the weekend, i really had to go out and take a fresh air. I was just riding around looking for my family at the Johnson River. Once i found them, i ended up jigging. It was a lot of fun, and it's been a while, since i've gone fishing with my family. The sun was up, so there was a lot of water everywhere. While jigging, i noticed i caught six pikes in just thirty minutes. I think I was the only one that was catching pikes. The pikes were as big as them Kuskokwim River pikes. Catching pike was much fun, but then my brother wanted to go home, so I brought him home disappointed. Jigging for pikes, it takes time to catch fish.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Eskimo Dancing

Eskimo dancing have been growing very fast in this village, once we got our drummer and singer. We have been dancing and practicing for about three months now. High school students been dancing alone mostly, but after the dance at cama-i, all the transition kids, and Jr High students joined us all in performing at our gymnasium, with all the people watching. That really made me happy, and now we got our spirit going again. Now that we started practicing, the gymnasium we practice at, is full always filled with students. The drummers and singers are still increasing too. Our dance group is now coming back, after almost losing our dancing. I am still wishing more kids and students to come dance at our school every evening. We are supposed to perform later this afternoon, but I think there will be less dancers, because we had to fill out an eligibility form to dance. Some students can't dance tonight, because they aren't eligible. Dancing is still growing in this village, and i cannot stay away from Eskimo Dancing.

Bird Hunting

On the day of May 6th, my father, brother, and I went bird hunting and gone off early in the morning. My father told us we'd be going to my Grandpa's cabin, which was sixteen miles away from home. It took us about an hour and half to get to it, because the snow is melting fast. There were a lot of puddles, and streams while driving to the cabin. It was very sunny that day, so we had a good chance to see everything in the hills. Plus, it's a really good sight up in the hills, and you can see for miles away. Well, we caught about twenty-two white fronted geese, and canadian geese, mixed together. The spot we were hunting on, it was like a field, very flat, and lots of grass. I think i've wasted about a box of shells, while hunting them big birds. I'm out of time, and I will stop here.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Little Boy

I was once a little boy back then, playing ball with my father as I grew up. But now I am old enough to play ball with anyone at anytime. I can handle playing basketball every day and it doesn't even bore me out because I grew up playing basketball. Now that I'm older, all the men I know who used to play ball, give me a lot of advice on how to become a better athlete. Everyday, from playing basketball, I am learning slowly. People say that I am short when I'm out there on the court playing ball, but my experiences tells me I can do everything on the court, rebounding, shooting, dribbling, teamwork, and running with out the ball. All the advice my father gave me from his experiences, are the skills I am using now. Basketball is a one time favorite sport for me.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Timberline. Wow, what an adventure! Timberline, sweet, what a place! Okay, enough of this. Yesterday was a really good day for me, because our Principal sent us out to the tree line with couple adults yesterday. We went out to Timberline to get some steam wood. During the morning, it was snowing pretty badly, and we had doubts we were heading out from Kasigluk. So, before noon, we had the chance to get out of here with five snow machines, each snow machine hitched with a sled. My class mates and I were all in sleds all the way to Timberline, and riding on sled I didn't like much because the trail was very rough with no snow. Well, there was snow, but that snow out there is pretty darn hard which. I have gone to the tree line many times, so I had the chance to tell my friends where we were at and when we'd get to Timberline. On our way over to Timberline my teacher saw a lot white birds, which she really didn't know of, and she asked me what they were. I couldn't help laughing at her, so i told her they were Eskimo chickens (ptarmigan). It took us about four three hours to get over at the tree line. When we got over to the tree line, our chaperones hogged up all the snow machines and went in to the trees to cut up some trees. There were a lot of high school boys that went, but we all didn't have the chance to haul up steam woods to the sled. That made us upset for awhile, but we got it over with and we all went into the trees being very bored. It was a great day, plus, it was very sunny out. Well, my time is out, so i guess I'll finish this up later.